Discover Flying Santa Cat, an enchanting Android game where players assume the magical role of a chubby Santa. As they navigate the night skies to deliver Christmas presents, they're propelled by three adorable kittens pulling their sled. This action-packed game blends soaring jumps and gliding descents for a unique festive experience.
The game provides an opportunity for players to aim for the highest score and challenge others on the online leaderboard, or to unlock achievements showcasing their skills. Ideal for quick gaming sessions, the cheerful title features a charming cast of characters set to enthrall players during the holiday season and beyond.
Dive into the joyous world of this app and spread the joy of gift-giving from the palm of your hand. The festive atmosphere and engaging gameplay are sure to capture the hearts of players of all ages, offering hours of entertainment as they guide their Santa on a merry mission across the night sky.
Requirements (Latest version)
- Android 4.0, 4.0.1, 4.0.2 or higher required
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